Contribute to Change Management Review™ collections
Share your expertise and thoughts with a global organizational change professionals audience
Change Management Review™ serves a global community of organizational change professionals. We delight in bringing to them diverse voices, expert perspectives and actionable insights to uplift their practice.
We invite you to consider what you could contribute.
Our editorial guidelines
We selectively accept outside contributions for articles from industry professionals and even academics! Here is what we look for:
- Articles with a typical length of 800-1,000 words. Content that goes longer than 1,200 words could be presented as a two-part series.
- Article is 100% original, previously unpublished work. Though after a three-week exclusive period for Change Management Review™ (three-week from publish date on our website) you are welcome to republish the article in whole elsewhere.
- Article is written by a person who is knowledgeable about their subject and not written by generative AI or a PR department.
- Article introduces new ideas and advance conversations around topics and trends that engage our community of organizational change professionals. It has substance and is not written simply for content marketing.
- Articles that come from diverse individuals located anywhere across the globe working in any sector, who can add diverse value to practitioners and stimulate healthy professional discourse. Consider that the majority of ‘business’ advice is written for a minority of large organizations – so we’d love to hear what is happening and can be applicable across the size-spectrum of organisations tangling with change.
- Article is written from an objective and/or subjective viewpoint.
- Objective if you have evidence-based content to include. We welcome verifiable data, research findings, appropriate examples and even diagrams to illustrate key points.
- Subjective if you are offering a personal perspective or drawing from personal experiences regarding your topic. Do not be overly self-promoting with subjective content.
- Be clear in your opening message about what the reader can expect.
- Article provides readers with advice or actionable insights to enhance their professional practice, or to extend their personal or team capability to do organizational change.
- Article does not include links or references to other content that requires the reader to subscribe or sign-up to access (and thus become part of another organization’s mailing list).
- Article can mention businesses or organizations in which you have a vested interest and you must disclose that information to readers.
- Article can be submitted with suggested artwork for the featured Image (1280px x 720px), but final choice is at the discretion of our editorial team. Any artwork provided must be royalty free, and attributable to the creator/owner.
- Article is well written and follows standard guidelines for readability and accessibility. This includes avoiding unnecessary jargon, avoiding sentences longer than 20 words, avoiding paragraphs longer than 300 words, and including appropriate section headings to give structure to the article. Article is written with US English spelling.
- Article has a title that does not exceed 120 characters including spaces.
- We reserve the right to edit content for clarity and brevity, to ensure it conforms to these editorial guidelines. Links may be added for context.
- The article content in whole or part remains the copyright of the author, however, Change Management Review™ reserves the right to reprint accepted articles with full attribution, in future Change Management Review™ products.
We selectively accept outside suggestions for podcast guests from industry professionals and renowned experts. Here is what we look for:
- Conversation of a typical length of 35-60 min. Content that goes longer than 60 minutes could be presented as a two-part series.
- Conversation that follows a semi-structured format with some indication of useful questions for our Change Management Review™ host to ask the guest.
- Conversation that introduces new ideas and advance discourse around topics and trends that engage our community of organizational change professionals. They have substance and are not simply for content marketing.
- Conversations that come from diverse individuals located anywhere across the globe working in any sector, who can add diverse value to practitioners and stimulate healthy professional discourse. Consider that the majority of ‘business’ advice is published for a minority of organizational sizes – so we’d love to hear what is happening and can be applicable across the spectrum of organizations tangling with change.
- Expertise is shared from an objective and/or subjective viewpoint.
- Objective if you have evidence-based content to include. We welcome verifiable data, research findings, stories and appropriate examples to illustrate key points.
- Subjective if you are offering a personal perspective or drawing from personal experiences regarding your topic. Do not be overly self-promoting with subjective content.
- Conversation provides listeners with advice or actionable insights to enhance their professional practice, or to extend their personal or team capability to do organizational change.
- Conversation can mention businesses or organizations in which you have a vested interest and you must disclose that information to listeners. This can be an opportunity to promote a book, a training program or a business service. We will provide additional guidelines for such promotional activity.
- The podcast episode in whole or part becomes the copyrighted property of Change Management Review™. However, the guest has the right to share their episode (including embedding link on their own website) with full attribution to Change Management Review™.
- We reserve the right to edit content for clarity and brevity, to ensure it conforms to these editorial guidelines.
We selectively accept outside contributions for content reviews from industry professionals! Here is what we look for:
- Content review has a typical length of 400-500 words.
- Review is a 100% original, previously unpublished work. Though after a three-week exclusive period for Change Management Review™ (three-week from publish date on our website) you are welcome to republish the review in whole elsewhere.
- Review is written by a person who has personally engaged with what they are reviewing and is not written by generative AI or a PR department.
- Review is of content that is packaged and published in any of following forms: book, article, video, film, documentary, podcast episode, method, tool, application, even a deck of cards.
- Review advances professional growth and practice by introducing things that can be digested or used by organizational change professionals.
- Reviews come from diverse individuals located anywhere across the globe working in any sector, who can add diverse value to practitioners and stimulate healthy professional growth.
- Review is written from personal perspective and contains any relevant contextualisation to how and why the author arrived at that perspective.
- Review does not include links or references to other content that requires the reader to subscribe or sign-up to access (and thus become part of another organization’s mailing list).
- Review does contain links to source material and appropriate attributes the creators of the original content.
- Review can mention businesses or organizations in which you have a vested interest and you must disclose that information to readers.
- Review is well written and follows standard guidelines for readability and accessibility. This includes avoiding unnecessary jargon, avoiding sentences longer than 20 words, avoiding paragraphs longer than 200 words, and including appropriate section headings to give structure to the review. Review is written with US English spelling.
- Review has a title that does not exceed 120 characters including spaces.
- We reserve the right to edit content for clarity and brevity, to ensure it conforms to these editorial guidelines. Links may be added for context.
- The review content in whole or part remains the copyright of the author, however, Change Management Review™ reserves the right to reprint accepted reviews with full attribution, in future Change Management Review™ products.
We selectively accept outside contributions for essays from industry professionals and academics (including student papers). Here is what we look for:
- Essay with a typical length of 1,800 – 3,000 words, and is prefaced with a short abstract of 100-150 words.
- Essay is 100% original, previously unpublished work. Though after a three-week exclusive period for Change Management Review™ (three-week from publish date on our website) you are welcome to republish the essay in whole elsewhere.
- Essay introduces ideas, frameworks, observations, reflections that elevate thinking around topics and trends that advance the profession of change management, and the transdisciplinary nature of the multiple disciplines within organizational change.
- Essay provides readers with insights and provocations to elevate their professional knowledge base and practice.
- Essay is written by a person, or group or people, knowledgeable about their subject, and not written by generative AI or a PR department.
- Essays that come from diverse individuals located anywhere across the globe working in any sector, who can add diverse value to practitioners and stimulate healthy professional discourse.
- Essay is written from an objective and/or subjective viewpoint.
- Objective if you have evidence-based content to include. We welcome verifiable data, research findings, appropriate examples and even diagrams to illustrate key points.
- Subjective if you are offering a personal perspective or drawing from personal experiences regarding your topic. Do not be overly self-promoting with subjective content.
- Be clear in your opening message about what the reader can expect.
- Essay does not include links or references to other content that requires the reader to subscribe or sign-up to access (and thus become part of another organization’s mailing list).
- Essay does include links and attributions to source material. This is presented in site links and/or Endnotes. There is also a Bibliography with APA style referencing.
- Essay can mention businesses or organizations in which you have a vested interest and you must disclose that information to readers.
- Essay can be submitted with suggested artwork for the featured Image (1280px x 720px), but final choice is at the discretion of our editorial team. Any artwork provided must be royalty free, and attributable to the creator/owner.
- Essay is well written and follows standard guidelines for readability and accessibility. This includes avoiding unnecessary jargon, avoiding sentences longer than 20 words, avoiding paragraphs longer than 300 words, and including appropriate section headings to give structure to the article. Essay is written with US English spelling.
- Essay has a title that does not exceed 120 characters including spaces.
- We reserve the right to edit content for clarity and brevity, to ensure it conforms to these editorial guidelines. Links may be added for context.
- The essay content in whole or part remains the copyright of the author, however, Change Management Review™ reserves the right to reprint accepted essays with full attribution, in future Change Management Review™ products.
How to submit an article, essay or review
You can either submit a pitch or a complete piece. Use the online form provided, and keep a copy of the information you submitted for your own records.
How to submit for a podcast
Use the online form provided, and keep a copy of the information you submitted for your own records.
What to expect
Submissions are reviewed approximately once every two weeks and the process is selective.
If we like what we read, a member of our editorial team will inform you about the timeline and next steps. Steps will include getting a short bio from you and a quality photo headshot (500 x 500 px).
We aim to publish complete written pieces within 2-3 weeks of accepting them. Articles are published online in the Articles section of our website. Essays and Content Reviews are published online the Essay section [COMING Feb 2025) and Content Reviews section of our website.
Podcast episodes are generally recorded every month. If accepted, your pitch may be in a queue for when the actual episode is recorded and published. Podcast episodes are published online in the Podcast section of our website, and also distributed through common podcast channels.
Note: We do not pay for contributed pieces or guest appearances, but we will promote pieces and episodes through our Change Management Weekly™ newsletter and our social media channels, like any other content that is published on our site.
If your pitch or piece is not a good fit for us, we will respond to you but will not provide detailed feedback.