
In this episode of the Change Management Review™ Podcast, Theresa Moulton interviews leadership strategist, organization development (OD) practitioner and culture change coach Deb Peters. She is founder of Morgan McGuire Leadership, a 25-year-old leadership consulting firm specializing in innovative change, strategic leadership and emotional intelligence. Deb is also co-editor of Practicing OD in the OD Practitioner and chairs the Minnesota OD Network, the state’s premier network for OD practitioners.

In this fast-paced interview, Deb Peters shares some of the key trends experienced by organizational development practitioners, what they need to know about the future of culture change, and how culture inflection points play a role and impact culture change.

Questions Asked:

1. How did you get into the field of organization development?
2. What trends are impacting OD practitioners today?
3. What do you think OD practitioners may want to know about the future of culture change?
4. What are culture inflection points? How do they impact culture change?
5. What works and doesn’t work with culture inflection points?
6. If you had to choose an animal that serves as an inspiration for the culture change work you do, which animal would it be?
7. If you could give one piece of advice to a newcomer to the OD and culture change fields, what would it be?

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