Consulting Skills for Change Management Professionals Program™

We, as change management consultants, bring a great deal of value to the table for our clients.

Our methodologies, our tools, our techniques, and our understanding of how people move through change all offer our clients the potential of greatly increasing their chance for achieving change success.

Yet all too often, they fail to follow our counsel.

Then they turn around and fault US when the change initiative fails or goes off the rails.

Does this sound like a page from your journal?

What gets us to this point in the first place?

Difficult Situations Require Tough Conversations

When was the last time you told a client that they put a major change at high risk by how they handled a situation, or told the C-suite that the rank-and-file don’t trust them to successfully lead a change?

When was the last time you knew you should have such a conversation – and didn’t?

As a change practitioner and change management consultant, difficult situations come with the territory.

Having a tough conversation with your client is often necessary in order to work things through.

It’s also something most practitioners avoid at all costs – and it’s for this reason so many change initiatives fail.

Deep Down, It’s A Matter Of Trust (Or Lack Thereof)

Trust – between you and your client, between your client and the organization, between you and the organization – doesn’t just happen.

You need to be able to trust your clients, and your clients need to be able to trust you.

Otherwise the contracts that you establish will be undermined by your hesitation to tell your clients the hard truths that they need to hear to be successful.

There are clear action steps that you can take to build and sustain a trusting relationship.

This is where the change management consultant plays a pivotal role.

Much of this comes from a profound understanding, and effective use, of neuroscience.

But first, let’s define our terms.

What Is A Change Management Consultant?

Whether you are working from the outside with an organization and its leadership, or working from the inside as an employee of the organization, you are a change management consultant – and the people you serve are your clients.

Now to go further:

Although the two words are often used interchangeably – and sometimes together in a phrase – consulting and coaching are fundamentally different at their roots.

As consultants we come with answers; coaches come with questions.

Successful change management consultants know when to tell – and when to ask.

Good News – There’s A Powerful Resource That Empowers You, As A Change Management Consultant, To Effectively Manage And Lead Change

Joining us in our upcoming Consulting Skills for Change Management Professionals Certificate Program means being able to manage the difficult conversations needed to bring about change, create the trust necessary for these conversations to happen, know where the organization is going, and ensure they get there by implementing an effective, powerful change management strategy.

This Program is brought to you by Change Management Review™, and is part of our mission to deliver training courses and certificate programs that credentialize you in the eyes of your clients, your organizations, and the change management marketplace as someone they can trust and count on to move them forward and achieve their goals.

This is a very hands-on Program full of opportunities to get hands-on and gain support in real-time on your unique situations, as well as acquire new knowledge and capability at the end of the course, which will be recognized by your Consulting Skills for Change Management Professionals Certificate.

You will be provided with a toolkit of techniques and will complete the Program with:

  • Critical relationships between the various skills taught throughout the course so you have a profound and integrated new approach
  • Understanding and mastery of the elements in your profile as a change management consultant that are your greatest strengths
  • Awareness of those elements in your profile as a change management consultant that put your clients’ change initiatives most at risk, with a plan in place for addressing them and replacing them with new, more effective elements

Becoming A Powerful Change Management Consultant Is The Decisive Factor That Makes Your Work Successful

Attaining your Consulting Skills for Change Management Professionals Certificate means you will strengthen your success in three key areas:

  • Consulting Competencies: Being skilled in the application of a change methodology is necessary, but not sufficient, for success with supporting the execution of difficult change initiatives. In this program you will learn, among other things, principles for a strong change consulting relationship; establishing a powerful working relationship with your clients; how to build trust; the art and science of tough conversations; establishing strong and sustainable relationships with sponsors; and improving self-care.
  • Change Competencies: A change methodology that is built on a solid understanding of the human response to change is an important foundation for your work. However, there are a sub-set of risk factors that most methodologies fail to address. This program will prepare you to guide the creation, alignment, and execution of the true intent of the change; determine the best change management strategy; hack the culture you have to create the culture you need; communicate with, engage, and enroll key stakeholders; turn resistance into commitment; and balance the demands of change with the capacity of the organization to successfully execute it.
  • Coaching Competencies: As a change management consultant, you are expected to come with answers: What risks are we facing? How do we mitigate them? How do we respond to employee fears about the change? How do we achieve the shifts in thinking and acting that are required for success? However, there are times when we are called on to answer questions that are better answered by the sponsors and leaders we are serving. You will learn when to coach rather than consult, as well as the basics of coaching one-on-one as well as coaching teams.

Who Should Attend this Program?

This Program benefits change management consultants – both internal and external – who manage client and organizational relationships.

It does not assume that you adhere to any particular change management methodology or approach – actually, it’s designed to make you much better at whatever methodologies or approaches you are currently using.

The Program supports you holistically in applying neuroscience, developing trust, tackling and reframing difficult situations, managing tough conversations, coaching, team coaching, communication, engagement, and enrolling the organization in change.

Learn From Two Experienced Change Management Consultants With 65+ Years’ Experience Serving Clients In A Wide Range of Industries

With more than 25 years of consulting, executive coaching, and business-building experience, Theresa Moulton, Editor-in-Chief of Change Management Review™, has been a guest lecturer and speaker at the IBM Center for Business Value, Babson College, the Organization Design Forum, NICSA, NEHRA, SHRM, and CFO Magazine – just to name a few.

As founder of Performance Change Initiatives, she helps clients realize their current or future investment in Change Management by creating Internal Change Management Functions and Change Centers of Excellence for organizations around the globe.


An ICF-certified coach, Brian Gorman, Managing Editor of Change Management Review™, has served as a consultant, line manager, mentor, and coach for more than 40 years, earning a reputation for helping others successfully implement their most difficult changes.

As founder of Transforming Lives Coaching, Brian considers it his role and responsibility as a coach to get you from where you are to where you want to be in the most effective way possible. He is trained to guide you on that journey and is continually updating his skills with ongoing coaching, supervision, and professional development.

How Does The Program Work?

This Program is designed based on specific questions and requests we’ve received through questionnaires, surveys, and comments from participants in chat during our virtual events, as well as the feedback from our previous class participants.

It is divided into 4 parts, on 4 different days, and reflects Theresa and Brian’s expertise in these areas and enable you to master the following concepts quickly:

  • Establishing trust, dialogue, and boundaries with your clients and organizations
  • Aligning change with the business’ strategy and overcoming challenges along the way
  • Becoming stronger in the areas of communication, engagement, and enrollment – along with how to overcome resistance and avoid burnout along the way
  • Combining coaching skills (both one-on-one and team) with consulting skills and mastering your own strengths as a change management consultant

It is a very hands-on course full of opportunities to interact with the presenters and other participants, get answers to questions, and apply the curriculum to your own situations and opportunities as a practitioner and leader of change.

The Program takes a cumulative approach and gives you the opportunity to adapt, implement, and master the concepts in real-time, in stages, thus avoiding overwhelm or a sense of impossibility that might otherwise get in the way of your ultimate success.

It consists of live training sessions – the first day is 8 hours (9am – 5pm Eastern) and lays the groundwork, the following days are 4 hours (8:30am – 12:30pm Eastern) each and hone in closely on specific skill-sets.

Put together, the Consulting Skills for Change Management Professionals Program will prove highly useful as you support your clients, organizations, and employees in their successful navigation of your changes.

Due To The Nature Of This, Only The First 20 Will Be Accepted – Here’s What You Gain When You Get Started Today

When you enroll in the Change Management Review™ Consulting Skills for Change Management Professionals now, you’ll enjoy:

  • Instant access to the Members’ Area – here we will upload your handouts, tools, and other materials that will benefit you as you enjoy your journey through this Program – you will also have access to recordings of the sessions as they are completed
  • Four days of  LIVE interactive training – this is also your opportunity to gain support and get answers to the questions that naturally arise as you master and apply the material to your own unique situation
  • A Certificate – once you complete the Signature Program, this will be a powerful credential, backed by your instructors’ 60+ years of experience and wisdom in the field, that will raise your market value in the Change Management industry!

The Consulting Skills for Change Management Professionals Program is available for a strictly limited time, and only for twenty (20) people, for just $1,295 USD.

As soon as you complete your secure payment online, you will set up your username and password for instant access to the syllabus and to be informed of your unique, personal live-attendance links when they are generated.

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Today Just $1,295 USD

What’s Included:

  • Four Days of Live Change Management Consulting Training

  • Get Your Questions Answered and Apply To Your Situation

  • Certificate From Change Management Review™

  • Credentialize Yourself and Raise Your Value as a Change Management Consultant

About Theresa Moulton

With more than 25 years of consulting, executive coaching, and business-building experience, Theresa Moulton, Editor-in-Chief of Change Management Review™, has been a guest lecturer and speaker at the IBM Center for Business Value, Babson College, the Organization Design Forum, NICSA, NEHRA, SHRM, and CFO Magazine, just to name a few.

About Brian Gorman

An ICF Certified Professional Coach, Brian Gorman has served as a consultant, line manager, mentor, and coach for more than 40 years, earning a reputation for helping others successfully implement difficult changes. Brian is also Managing Editor for Change Management Review™ and co-host of its internationally recognized podcast.