Topic overview:  As change leaders and change professionals, you naturally embrace, engage in and affect change.  However, your personal leadership and engagement is not enough. In too many organizations, change leaders are outnumbered by those who are standing on the sidelines, waiting for someone else to act. You need to help leaders to get their teams off the sidelines into new thinking, creativity and innovation.

Innovation only happens when people are able to work in the gray space — where ambiguity is okay, risk is essential, and business principles, rather than hard and fast rules, apply. We’re talking about creating the change-maker culture.

Based on her Harvard Business Review online articles 5 Behaviors of Leaders Who Embrace Change and 5 Ways to Help Your Team Be Open to Change, Edith Onderick- Harvey will discuss  daily practices you can put in place to inspire, enable and accelerate a culture of change makers.

Questions for Podcast 

  1. What does a culture of change makers look like?
  2. You believe we need to approach change differently than we have in the past. Why is that?
  3. What do you think gets in the way of teams being open to change?
  4. How can a change practitioner help leaders create teams that are open to change?
  5. What are a few daily practices that can make the difference in helping your team be open to change?


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