
In this episode of the Change Management Review™ Podcast, Theresa Moulton interviews Lean Startup fanatic, author and international speaker, Jason Little. Since 2007, he’s helped countless organizations implement Agile practices and flourish into the future. Jason is the author of Lean Change Management: Innovative Practices for Managing Organizational Change, and the creator of a video series, “Agile Transformation — A Guide to Organizational Change”.

In this fast-paced interview, Jason shares insights based on his experiences helping organizations improve organizations by focusing on behaviors and relationships built on trust. You will particularly enjoy the “Lean Coffee” concept he shares as part of the “selling” process for change management.

Questions Asked:

  1. How did you get into the change management field?
  2. Where do you look for inspiration in your work?
  3. What do you do in your work to offset organization dynamics that counter change management initiatives?
  4. How do you work with an executive who’s used to having a traditional messaging plan, when creating agile dialogues?
  5. When we look at large-scale facilitation techniques, what are some examples that work well for the agile process?
  6. What are some best practices for doing agile transformation with virtual teams?
  7. With all of the interest in “agile” lately, what do you see happening in the industry?
  8. In terms of disruption, what do you see happening with agile work, and the way it interrelates with problems with business disruption?
  9. What is the Global Lean Change Agent Network? How is it impacting the change management community?
  10. What is the one piece of advice that you would give to a newcomer in the change management field?

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